About US

Highlights of Organization

The Divine Help Foundation has been formed and registered with special motto to Help the needy persons specially in Medical requirement and affected into mis-use of legal concept or victim by circumstances. Upon research of various factors from bottom level to the High Level of the class of the Public at large, it has been observed that generally poor, uneducated and trapped by evil design citizens have become victims. Because of lack of knowledge and misunderstanding they do not understand as to how to overcome the situation, when the ways and means are easily available to them as of right. The Founder Member and his colleagues have deeply gone into and decided to help such needy person irrespective of caste and creed in the matter of medically and legally affected entities.

Vision & Mission

Our Vision

The Trustees and supporters to the Trust are having strong and Vision at length to help to the Cancer Patients, who are unable to take their required treatment due to financial capacity and/or surviving Below Poverty Line. Also to provide help to the needy persons who are victims of mis-understanding of law and/or mis-guided by cunning factors of Legal fraternity. Not only that to focus on Non implementation of Government Policy for the Public at large. To work on such factors for which the grass route level Citizens are starving to avail the benefits of the Government’s Policies.

Our Mission

The Trust have mission of extending the territory to help to the Cancer Patients beyond Mumbai and Thane. The Trustees are also making their mind to work on the Legal Fraternity from Bombay High Court to the Hon’ble Supreme Court, to take out public issues in the larger interest of Public at Large which are burning and eye catching. Trust shall work on this special mission for needy and affected persons.

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