Help & Support

  1. Advocate Mr. N.P. BHAVSAR B.Com. LL. B. High Court Mumbai Senior Advocate, Formerly Judge, Experience in handling of – Constitutional matters, Civil, Criminal and Revenue matters in Appellate Side. Expert in Property Matters, Hindu Law, Muslim Personal Law.

  2. Advocate Mr. DATTA MANE, B.L.S. LL.B. D.C.L. High Court Mumbai. Expert in P.I.L matter. Handling Criminal Writ Petitions. Good Knowledge in Anticipatory Bail and Regular Bail etc.

  3. Advocate Mrs. NANDA SINGH – M.A. LL.B. Expert in Conducting Criminal Trials in Sessions Court, Metropolitan Magistrate’s Court, Negotiable Instruments Act and Family Court matter including in Child Custody matters.

  4. Advocate Ms. NIKITA N. BHAVSAR, B.L.S. LL.B. Expert in Civil Matters Criminal Matters, Original Side High Court matters Writ Petitions on Fundamental Rights under Constitution of India.

  5. Advocate Mrs. PALLAVI ALEGAONKAR B.Com. LL.B. Expert in Maharashtra Rent Control Act matters, Trials and in Appeals. Hold in Slum Tribunal Matters and also in Hotline Bail in Non-Bailable Offences.

  6. Mr. BILAL SAEED MIYA SAYYED Organizer and Trusted Supporter to Divine Help Foundation.

  7. Ms. RENUKA TAKUMAL, R.T.I. Activist. Animal Lover, Dog Trainer, Human psychologist and Spiritual Think Tank.

  8. Mr. IMRAN ISMAIL KADIWALA The Great Human Being, soft spoken having thoughts of helping to the needy and poor person irrespective of caste and creed.

  9. Ms. SHAIKH HEENA MOHAMMED HANIEF B.A. B.Ed. Senior Teacher.

  10. Mrs. SHAIKH FARZANA AFSAR S.Y. B.Com. Social Activist and broad minded in Rural Development.

  11. Mr. MOHAMMAD NASIR ZAHEER SHAIKH Well-wisher of the Community at Large.

  12. Mr. SAMEER ABDUL KADIR SHAIKH Honest worker for Trust, Great Human being.


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